10 years SER – Speakers
Here is the list of the speakers in alphabetic order, with short note about the topic of the speech.
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul, iptelorg.com/Tekelec
The story behind the day 0 – how it started
Carsten Bock, NG Voice
The state of IMS extensions in main stream repository
Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Asipto
SER and Kamailio back together – present and future development
Dorgham Sisalem, iptelorg/Tekelec
The management and financing of SER project development
Dragos Vingarzan, FhG Fokus
Building IMS on top of SER – OpenIMSCore
Henning Westerholt, 1&1 Germany
History of SER/OpenSER/Kamailio at 1&1
Overview about current usage and outlook
Jiri Kuthan, iptelorg/Tekelec
Promoting during the early days – what it took to make SER known world wide quickly
Marcus Hunger, sipgate
Telephony services by sipgate
Mathieu Rene, Avant Garde
Connecting SIP and Web for Voice
Olle E. Johansson, Edvina
Building large and secure telephony systems for today communication demands
Raphael Coeffic, SEMS Project
SEMS’ new RTMP-to-SIP Gateway
Stefan Broddesson, Rebtel
Rebtel Service
Stefan Sayer, Frafos
SEMS as a B2BUA/SBC add-on to SER-based platforms
Stefan Wintermeyer, Amooma
Scalable and Secure PBX with Kamailio and Freeswitch
Thomas Magedanz, FhG Fokus
FhG Fokus Research and Products for NG networks