Thanks to Andrei, daily snapshots of sr_3.0, kamailio_3.0 and sr master branches can be downloaded from: Note that new tarballs are generated only if there are changes for the corresponding branch (so if you don’t see a tarball with today’s date it means there was no change from the previous one). The tarballs are […]
The minutes from the development meeting held in Berlin on 2nd October 2009 are now available in the wiki. We would like to thank to Dragos Vingarzan and Ancuta Onofrei of FhG FOKUS for organizing the event, providing us with everything that was needed and being superb hosts in general. Thanks!
Next SIP Router Project Development Meeting coordinates: Date: Friday, October 2, 2009 Place: Berlin, Germany The event is co-hosted by FhG Fokus Institute and Technische Universität Berlin at following address: FhG Fokus, Room 1008 Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 10589 Berlin – see venue of the location Time: – 9:30am – 10:00am – arrivals – 10:00am – 6:00pm […]
Courtesy of Henning Westerholt, SIP router repository includes dedicated module and applications for fast number portability handling. pdb server This server loads serialized routing data from the disk and stores it in memory. It then listens on an UDP port for requests containing a number and returns ID of the carrier which owns the number. […]
One of the most discussed architectural aspects of configuration file was the way changes done to received SIP messages are handled – even new headers are added, old are removed or different parts of message were updated, the changes were not immediately visibile. The latest GIT repository includes a new config function – msg_apply_changes() – […]
Continue reading about Apply Changes to SIP Message in Config File »
Time for first release based on SIP Router Project is approaching. Source code will be frozen Monday, September 14, 2009, to enter the testing phase for releasing Kamailio 3.0. As usual, work on additional tools and documentation can go on during testing. Developers willing to push brand new features in the next major release have […]
The configuration file language supports now a new directive that allow including the content of another file during parsing of routing logic. This allows splitting big configs for easier maintenance, even modularity — building a library of config snippets that are included and combined to build a full configuration file. The syntax is: include_file “file_name” […]
Continue reading about Support for ‘include’ in config file »
There is a new pseudo-variable class that provides access to select variables. A list with available selects can be found at: Therefore, all modules relying on PV framework can get access to select values without any change. See example of usage from config at:
SIREMIS is a web management interface targeting administrators of SIP routing platforms. The new v0.9.3 brings XMLRPC-based communication with SIP router core’s RPC interface. You need to load and configure the xmlrpc module. Communication with Management Interface inherited from Kamailio (OpenSER) is done via UDP and mi_datagram module. Among new features: communication with FreeSwitch via […]
Several days ago, a new module named mi_rpc was introduced to source tree. The goal is to be able to execute MI commands using RPC interface from sip router core. One big advantage of this is the executing MI commands using the sercmd tool. sercmd is a command line interface, able to do auto completion […]