====== Contribute to Dokuwiki ======
===== Overview =====
[[http://www.dokuwiki.org|Dokuwiki]] is the wiki system use by SIP-Router.org project as documentation forge. It is open for anyone that wants to contribute. You can register and have an user account or do contributions anonymously, entering CAPCHA codes.
===== Wiki Syntax =====
The syntax supported by Dokuwiki is [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax|documented here]].
===== New documentation =====
When creating new documentation, do use [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/namespaces|Dokuwiki Namespaces]]. Check first if one for same topic exists and if not create it - makes nice grouping, therefore the maintenance of documentation is easier.
===== Syntax Plugins =====
Plugins that extend or replace default Dokuwiki syntax:
* [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:bbcode|bbcode]]
* [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:box|box]]
* [[http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:highlight|highlight]]
===== SIP-Router.org Extensions =====
Integration with SIP-Router.org Project resources.
==== GIT Commits ====
Link to GIT commit details via GITWEB.
* hash must be at least 6 characters from GIT commit hash key
Result: GIT#b1336a
==== Tracker Items ===
Link to FlySpray bug tracker items.
* itemid must be the integer id of the tracked item
Result: FlySpray#12
===== Remarks =====
* add here remarks about syntax, suggestions for improvements, etc.