Table of Contents

SIP Router - New features in 3.0.x version

The page collects the summary of the new features in SIP Router 3.0.0 version.

Kamailio (OpenSER) 3.0.0 was released on Jan 11, 2010, based on SIP Router 3.0.0 branch. You can find as well a comprehensive list of what is new in Kamailio (OpenSER) 3.0.0 at:

New SIP Router modules

New in old SIP Router modules

New in SIP Router Core

switch statement


config file interpreter

They are almost equivalent to == or !=, but they force the conversion of their operands (eq to string and ieq to int), allowing among other things better type checking on startup and more optimisations. Non equiv. examples: 0 == "" (true) is not equivalent to 0 eq "" (false: it evaluates to "0" eq ""). "a" ieq "b" (true: (int)"a" is 0 and (int)"b" is 0) is not equivalent to "a" == "b" (false).

Note: internally == and != are converted on startup to eq/ne/ieq/ine whenever possible (both operand types can be safely determined at start time and they are the same).

Special case: undef as left operand: For +: undef + expr → undef is converted to string ⇒ "" + expr. For == and !=: undef == expr → undef is converted to type_of expr. If expr is undef, then undef == undef is true (internally is converted to string).

       int(undef)==0,  int("")==0, int("123")==123, int("abc")==0
       str(undef)=="", str(123)=="123".

where #!KAMAILIO is equivalent with #!OPENSER and #!ALL with #!MAXCOMPAT


extended avps

new config variables