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devel:create-library [2008/11/20 22:17] – created micondadevel:create-library [2012/11/11 15:58] (current) – old revision restored oej
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-====== How-To: Create a library in SIP Router ======+====== How-To: Create and use a library in SIP Router ======
 ===== Create a library ===== ===== Create a library =====
-  * make a new directory in \'lib\' folder +  * make a new directory in ''lib'' folder 
-  * copy there the Makefile from lib/print/ and change the name in it +  * copy there the Makefile from ''lib/print/'' and change the name in it 
-  * add your .c and .h files.+  * add your ''.c'' and ''.h'' files.
 ===== Use a library from a module ===== ===== Use a library from a module =====
-  * add to the module\'s Makefile (replace \'print\' with your lib name):+  * add to the module's Makefile (replace ''print'' with your lib name):
 <code> <code>
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 </code> </code>
-Compiling the module will re-compile the library automatically if needed (e.g. some change in it). make install will also re-link the module (needed to change the rpath).+Compiling the module will re-compile the library automatically if needed (e.g. some change in it). ''make install'' will also re-link the module (needed to change the rpath).




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