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git:sip-router-repository [2009/04/16 12:12] andreigit:sip-router-repository [2012/12/11 15:53] (current) – old revision restored oej
Line 25: Line 25:
 git clone ssh://username@git.sip-router.org/sip-router git clone ssh://username@git.sip-router.org/sip-router
 </code> </code>
 where username is your username on host git.sip-router.org. Please see where username is your username on host git.sip-router.org. Please see
-also [[git:quick-start-guide|GIT Quick Start Guide]].+also [[git:quick-start-guide|GIT Quick Start Guide]] if you plan to commit 
 +After "cloning" the repository the default branch that is checked out is **master**. 
 +Right now there are 3 important branches in the repository: 
 +  - **master** - latest code, all the new development goes here. 
 +  - **sr_3.0** - branch for the future sip-router 3.0 release, in process of being stabilized. 
 +  - **kamailio_3.0** - branch for the kamailio 3.0 release (kamailio 3.0 is the first kamailio release that will be based on sip-router, in this case the sr_3.0 branch). 
 +If you are interested in a different branch then **master**, you have to use git checkout to change the branch, e.g.: 
 +cd sip-router 
 +git checkout --track -b sr_3.0 origin/sr_3.0 
 +(replace **sr_3.0** with the desired branch). 
 +The above command will create a local **sr_3.0** branch that will track changes in the remote (repository) 
 + version of the same branch (**origin/sr_3.0**). 
 +Note that as an alternative, if you have a new git version you could replace the above command and the clone command with: 
 +git clone --branch sr_3.0 git://git.sip-router.org/sip-router 
 +cd sip-router 
 +You need to do all of the above only once. After you already have a "clone" you can update your local copy with the latest changes in the repository using git pull. E.g.: 
 +git fetch origin 
 +git pull --rebase origin sr_3.0 
 +(replace **sr_3.0** with the branch you are on). 
 You can also browse the repository through the gitweb WWW interface at You can also browse the repository through the gitweb WWW interface at
-http://git.sip-router.org+http://git.sip-router.org and you can download daily snapshots from http://sip-router.org/tarballs/sr. 
 +If you prefer you could use cvs instead of git (see below), but it will be significantly slower.
 ====== Repository Layout ====== ====== Repository Layout ======
Line 52: Line 81:
   * then a more detailed description (if necessary), but make sure you don't have lines longer then 72 characters   * then a more detailed description (if necessary), but make sure you don't have lines longer then 72 characters
-See: [[git-commit-guidelines]] +Make sure you read [[devel:git-commit-guidelines]]. 
-See also: +
-  * [[http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html#creating-good-commit-messages|Git manual]] +
-  * [[http://www.tpope.net/node/106|Ruby on Rails git commit message format]]+
 Example vim/gvim config additions for git commit messages: Example vim/gvim config additions for git commit messages:
Line 63: Line 90:
 au BufNewFile,BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set ai tw=66 au BufNewFile,BufRead COMMIT_EDITMSG set ai tw=66
 </code> </code>
 +====== Commit/push HOWTO ======
 +Please see [[git:commit-into-master|GIT Commit into master HOWTO]].
 ====== Merge HOWTO ====== ====== Merge HOWTO ======
Line 88: Line 119:
 The most important head names are: The most important head names are:
   * **master** - This is the main development/unstable branch (HEAD in cvs terminology)   * **master** - This is the main development/unstable branch (HEAD in cvs terminology)
 +  * **sr_3.0** - This is the (soon to be) stable sip-router 3.0 branch.
 +  * **kamailio_3.0** - This is the kamailio 3.0 stable branch (based on **sr_3.0**).
 So if you want to checkout the latest development version then do: So if you want to checkout the latest development version then do:




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