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git:tips [2009/02/15 22:00] [2009/07/21 12:35] (current) – --rebase to git pull, in case there are local changes on the local master andrei
Line 27: Line 27:
 The configuration above will fetch all tags from both repositories explicitly and will store them in subdirectories under .git/refs/tags to avoid conflicts in file names. Because you download tags explicitly you can tell git-fetch not to download any tags using the tagopt option. The configuration above will fetch all tags from both repositories explicitly and will store them in subdirectories under .git/refs/tags to avoid conflicts in file names. Because you download tags explicitly you can tell git-fetch not to download any tags using the tagopt option.
 +====== GIT commands for merging of modules  ======
 +This will show you how the git commands to merge modules, e.g. ser's avpops module is removed and K's avpops module is used as comon module.
 +# we start in the local master branch
 +git checkout master
 +# create a new local branch called "darilion/avpops" based on 
 +# the remote master branch, and checkout into the newly created branch
 +git checkout -b darilion/avpops origin/master
 +# remove the old ser module
 +git rm -r modules_s/avpops/
 +# move the Kamailio module into the common modules directory
 +git mv modules_k/avpops/ modules/
 +# do whatever is need, eg. modify the code, ...
 +# check if sip-router builds and the code is working as expected
 +# check the status (modified files)
 +git status
 +# add all modifications for the next commit
 +git add .
 +# commit the changes (which were added in the previous step)
 +# (this will commit into the local working branch, in this case darilion/avpops)
 +# make sure to add a commit message according to these rules:
 +#   http://sip-router.org/wiki/devel/git-commit-guidelines
 +git commit
 +# verify the commit
 +git log -1
 +# prepare for push into the remote master branch: make sure
 +# that our local branch is up2date with commits added to 
 +# remote main branch
 +git fetch origin
 +git rebase origin/master
 +# push our changes from the local "darilion/avpops" branch 
 +# into the remote master branch
 +git push origin darilion/avpops:master
 +# cleanup: change into another local branch and delete the local avpops branch
 +git checkout master
 +git pull --rebase origin master # fetch previously commited commit
 +git branch -d darilion/avpops




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