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ref_manual:selects [2010/03/11 12:41] – linked the auto-gen select list andreiref_manual:selects [2012/05/24 19:17] (current) oej
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 You might ask, why the select framework was introduced at all? The main reason You might ask, why the select framework was introduced at all? The main reason
 was that everytime you wanted to check any part (header, etc.) of the was that everytime you wanted to check any part (header, etc.) of the
-incomming message you had to write new module/new function which did that.+incoming message you had to write new module/new function which did that.
 Moreover this function (due to historic limitations) might get at most two Moreover this function (due to historic limitations) might get at most two
 parameters. If you need more you have to use workaround and set attributes parameters. If you need more you have to use workaround and set attributes
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 text with the select identifier, so it must be enclosed in double quotes.) text with the select identifier, so it must be enclosed in double quotes.)
 Xlog formatting also support selects as a element while composing the final Xlog formatting also support selects as a element while composing the final
-value - the formatting element is ''%@select.identtifier.as.usual''.+value - the formatting element is ''%@select.identifier.as.usual''.
 Return value of the select is text string, but be aware, it might be also Return value of the select is text string, but be aware, it might be also




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