Table of Contents

SIP Router Makefile System

Generate Main Binary


Compile Everything

make all

Install Everything

make install

Clean Source Tree

make clean
make proper

Generate Modules

make modules
make modules_k
make modules_s

Generate Config for Makefile

make cfg

Enable Module

If the module is not compiled by default:

or type:

make modules-cfg include_modules=<name_of_the_module>


The same can be accomplished with

make cfg include_modules=<name_of_the_module> 

, but this will remake the whole config.

Combined Parameters

Various parameters can be given to make command, an example:

make prefix=/opt/sip-router \
     SCTP=1 \
     CC_EXTRA_OPTS=-I/usr/gnu/include \
     group_include="standard postgres presence" \
     include_modules="snmpstats perl tls" \

or you can save them in the config (they will be used by future make invocations) by givin the same parameters to make cfg:

make cfg prefix=/opt/sip-router \
     SCTP=1 \
     CC_EXTRA_OPTS=-I/usr/gnu/include \
     group_include="standard postgres presence" \
     include_modules="snmpstats perl tls"

Generate README For Modules

make modules-readme
make modules_k-readme
make modules_s-readme
make modules-readme modules=modules_k/dispatcher


make -C modules_k/dispatcher/doc readme

Generate Different Formats For Modules Documentation

Available formats: * txt - text plain * xhtml - single xhtml file * html - html files (chunks) split by sections * pdf - PDF file

Command to generate a specific format for a module:

make modules-doc doc_format=format modules=path/to/module

Example: generate single xhtml file for auth module:

make modules-doc doc_format=xhtml modules=modules_k/auth