Kamailio and SIP Router Integration

This page keeps track of where parts and functionalities from Kamailio are moved to work with SIP Router.

Database API

The database API existing in Kamailio was moved as library in:


MI (Management Interface)

The MI API was moved as library in:


The MI commands exported by core were not ported yet. They will be moved in a module.


Statistics API was moved as library in:


Statistics variables exported by core were not ported yet.

During discussions on devel lists, the statistics API is planned for a redesign to avoid performance penalties.

Test suite

Included in the test/unit directory, porting is under way at the moment.

Setup scripts

Not yet included in the sip router repository.

Module integration status

Status (master repository):

  • OK - module compiles OK
  • pending - work in progress - patch created, not yet committed
### Module name Dependency Description Status
001 acc OK
002 alias_db OK
003 auth OK
004 auth_db OK
005 auth_diameter OK
006 auth_radius OK
007 avpops OK
008 benchmark OK
009 carrierroute OK
010 cfgutils OK
011 cpl-c OK
012 db_berkeley OK
013 db_flatstore OK
014 db_mysql OK
015 db_oracle OK
016 db_postgres OK
017 db_text OK
018 db_unixodbc OK
019 dialog core OK
020 dialplan OK
021 dispatcher OK
022 diversion OK
023 domain OK
024 domainpolicy OK
025 enum OK
026 exec OK
027 group OK
028 h350 OK
029 htable OK
030 imc OK
031 jabber OK
032 lcr OK
033 ldap OK
034 maxfwd OK
035 mediaproxy OK
036 memcached OK
037 mi_datagram OK
038 mi_fifo OK
039 misc_radius OK
040 mi_xmlrpc OK
041 msilo OK
042 nathelper OK
043 nat_traversal OK
044 osp OK
045 path OK
046 pdt OK
047 peering OK
048 perl OK
049 perlvdb OK
050 permissions OK
051 pike OK
052 presence OK
053 presence_dialoginfo OK
054 presence_mwi OK
055 presence_xml OK
056 pua OK
057 pua_bla OK
058 pua_dialoginfo OK
059 pua_mi OK
060 pua_usrloc OK
061 pua_xmpp OK
062 purple OK
063 pv OK
064 qos OK
065 ratelimit OK
066 regex OK
067 registrar OK
068 rls OK
069 rr OK
070 rtimer OK
071 sanity OK
072 seas
073 siptrace core changes in avp access functions from the core OK
074 siputils OK
075 sl OK
076 sms OK
077 snmpstats OK
078 speeddial OK
079 sqlops OK
080 sst OK
081 statistics OK
082 textops OK
083 tlsops server name TLS extension and pseudo-variables were integrated into common TLS module OK
084 tm OK
085 uac OK
086 uac_redirect OK
087 uri_db OK
088 userblacklist OK
089 usrloc OK
090 utils OK
091 xcap_client OK
092 xlog OK
093 xmpp OK

TM and Core Extensions

All modules apart of TM have been completely included in SIP Router, therefore no feature has been lost.

For TM and core, the versions of SIP Router have features that are not present in Kamailio (OpenSER), but they miss some available there. This section tries to collect them and assign priority by usage, to guide developers integrate first the most used features.

The Kamailio (OpenSER) extensions will be integrated in:

  • TM module (modules/tm)
  • TMX module (module_k/tmx)
  • KEX module (modules_k/kex)
  • PV module (modules_k/pv)
  • core

Core Extensions

Name Type Priority New Place Details
setbflag function ### KEX Set branch flag
isbflagset function ### KEX Test branch flag
resetbflag function ### KEX Reset branch flag
setsflag function ### KEX Set script flag
issflagset function ### KEX Test script flag
resetsflag function ### KEX Reset script flag
auto_aliases param # Core Control DNS names added to aliases
avp_aliases param # PV Set AVP aliases
dns_blacklist param # - Set DNS blacklist
drop reply - # - Drop provisional or final replies in onreply_route
drop branch - # - Drop a branch via branch_route
:= assignment - # - Delete all avps with same name before adding a new one
error_route - # - Special route executed on sip parsing error

TM Extensions

Name Type Priority New Place Details
t_check_trans function ### TM Check transaction
$T_reply_code pv ### TMX Reply code PV
$T_branch_index pv ### TMX Branch index PV
$T_req pv ### TMX TM Request PV
$T_rpl pv ### TMX TM Reply PV
t_load_contacts func ### TM
t_next_contacts func ### TM
t_relay(proxy, flags) func # - Relay to proxy and control behaviour via flags
local_route - # - Special route executed when a request generated by TM is sent out




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