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devel:kamailio-integration [2009/06/01 14:42]
devel:kamailio-integration [2009/07/10 00:27] (current)
Line 88: Line 88:
 | 041 | msilo | | | OK | | 041 | msilo | | | OK |
 | 042 | nathelper | | | OK | | 042 | nathelper | | | OK |
-| 043 | nat_traversal | | | |+| 043 | nat_traversal | | | OK |
 | 044 | osp | | | OK | | 044 | osp | | | OK |
 | 045 | path | | | OK | | 045 | path | | | OK |
Line 118: Line 118:
 | 071 | sanity | | | OK | | 071 | sanity | | | OK |
 | 072 | seas | | | | | 072 | seas | | | |
-| 073 | siptrace | core | changes in avp access functions from the core | |+| 073 | siptrace | core | changes in avp access functions from the core | OK |
 | 074 | siputils | | | OK | | 074 | siputils | | | OK |
 | 075 | sl | | | OK | | 075 | sl | | | OK |
Line 128: Line 128:
 | 081 | statistics | | | OK | | 081 | statistics | | | OK |
 | 082 | textops | | | OK | | 082 | textops | | | OK |
-| 083 | tlsops | | Missing support for server name TLS extension| pending |+| 083 | tlsops | | server name TLS extension and pseudo-variables were integrated into common TLS moduleOK |
 | 084 | tm | | | OK | | 084 | tm | | | OK |
 | 085 | uac | | | OK | | 085 | uac | | | OK |




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