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migration:kamailio-module-docbook [2009/04/24 10:16]
migration:kamailio-module-docbook [2009/04/24 10:21] (current)
Line 25: Line 25:
 * replace in the **Makefile** the name of the file **modulename.xml** from the assignment of **docs** variable with the name of your main docbook file. See above for example of **dispatcher** module. * replace in the **Makefile** the name of the file **modulename.xml** from the assignment of **docs** variable with the name of your main docbook file. See above for example of **dispatcher** module.
 +* write your **modulename.xml** and other docbook files you include in it
-You are done. Add the new **Makefile** to repository and then commit and upload to sip-router.org GIT.+You are done. Add the new **Makefile** and the docbook files to repositorythen commit and upload to sip-router.org GIT.




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