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SIP Router Makefile System

Generate Main Binary


Compile Everything

make all

Generate Modules

make modules
make modules_k
make modules_s

Generate README For Modules

  • all READMEs for modules located in directory modules
make modules-readme
  • all READMEs for modules located in directory modules_k
make modules_k-readme
  • all READMEs for modules located in directory modules_s
make modules_s-readme
  • README for one module. Example for modules_k/dispatcher:
make modules-readme modules=modules_k/dispatcher


make -C modules_k/dispatcher/doc readme

Generate Different Formats For Modules Documentation

Available formats: * txt - text plain * xhtml - single xhtml file * html - html files (chunks) split by sections * pdf - PDF file

Command to generate a specific format for a module:

make modules-doc doc_format=format modules=path/to/module

Example: generate single xhtml file for auth module:

make modules-doc doc_format=xhtml modules=modules_k/auth




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