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tbd:mass_virtual_domains [2009/04/29 15:30]
tbd:mass_virtual_domains [2009/04/29 15:46] (current)
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 ==== Deliverables ==== ==== Deliverables ====
-  * We will xtend the sip-router domain module with a function which gets as a hostname as an argument and consults DNS to determine whether the hostname should be part of a new or existing virtual domain supported by the server.+  * We will extend the sip-router domain module with a function which gets as a hostname as an argument and consults DNS to determine whether the hostname should be part of a new or existing virtual domain supported by the server.
   * We will modify the domain module to add missing entries into its internal memory cache of supported virtual domains.   * We will modify the domain module to add missing entries into its internal memory cache of supported virtual domains.
   * We can enhance the module and make it synchronize the contents of the internal memory cache with the contents of the database. Newly added virtual domain (dynamically learned) will be added to existing entries in domain table.   * We can enhance the module and make it synchronize the contents of the internal memory cache with the contents of the database. Newly added virtual domain (dynamically learned) will be added to existing entries in domain table.
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   * Devise a system for storing additional configuration information about virtual domains in the DNS zone of a domain. The additional information we might want to store in the DNS zone comes in form of attribute-value pairs, it can be used, for example, to configure the unique id of the virtual domain, peering policy, various options related to digest authentication, and so on.   * Devise a system for storing additional configuration information about virtual domains in the DNS zone of a domain. The additional information we might want to store in the DNS zone comes in form of attribute-value pairs, it can be used, for example, to configure the unique id of the virtual domain, peering policy, various options related to digest authentication, and so on.
 +===== Reading List =====
 +  * The domain module [[http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/domain.html|documentation]]
 +  * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3263.txt|RFC 3263]]: Locating SIP Servers
 +  * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2782.txt|RFC 2782]]: A DNS RR for Specifying the Location of Services (DNS SRV)A DNS RR for Specifying the Location of Services (DNS SRV) 
 +  * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2915.txt|RFC 2915]]: The Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) DNS Resource Record
 +  * [[http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1035.txt|RFC 1035]]: Domain Names - Implementation and Specification
 +  * [[http://www.dns.net/dnsrd/rfc/|DNS related RFCs]]




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